Friday, April 22, 2011

Wise Boomers Walk This Spring

Rain aside, spring is a great time to start a healthy walking program. By summer, you will be a walking expert and able to withstand the higher temperatures.

To encourage new walkers to get moving and stay healthy, many of the libraries in Alleheny County, Pennsylvania, are providing free ten-week Wise Walk Progranms beginning this month and next. The library's partners in this program are the Allegheny Library Association, Highmark PALS and AARP. (Please check with your local organizations. Similar walking programs are being offered in other counties, states.)

Walkers over 50 can set their own goals and walk at their own pace using a complimentary walking guide provided to each walker by the local library. Supplies, walking materials such as pedomenters and healthy snacks and t-shirts are also provided for each participant through the program.

But beyond these supplies, this program gets boomers -- and seniors -- out walking with friends, enjoying nature, exercising as prescribed by their doctors, and a no-cost way to feel better. You just can't beat that.

For more information:

ACLA Wise Walk
AARP's Create the Good program


  1. Glad that the program works.... Everyone in out neighborhood walks early in the morning. I notice everyone wears a smile, too!

  2. Yes, it is a great thing to do for health and all sorts of reasons. We have a lot of walkers in our neighborhood too. They are pretty religious about doing it. I still find it hard sometimes to get out and do it some days. I feel so good when I am done I don't understand my reluctance!
