Friday, March 23, 2012

Tales from the Bird Feeder -- March 2012

My bird feeder has been busy lately, with the regular suspects coming to visit and some newbies too. I saw a goldfinch in all its glory this week. I know they stay around for the winter here, but mine didn't so it was good to see his bright yellow feathers. I also spotted what I think is a house finch, which is also new to the feeder.

I took a class this month on hummingbirds and Baltimore Orioles to learn more about attracting them to our yard. We did have luck with two or three steady hummers last year, but Orioles have been elusive (as are bluebirds which I think may totally be out of my range. Too bad.) Jan Bronder, who owns the Songbird Sanctuary in Blawnox, PA said to look for these two species of birds here in the Northeast beginning around tax day, April 15. I don't know if the warmer weather this year means they will come back earlier, but I will be ready with nectar for both just to be sure.

I have noticed the birdsong much more this spring and I hope you have too. Who needs iPods to listen to while walking when you can hear the lovely birds welcoming spring? So beautiful. I am trying to get better at identifying birds from their songs because even though the leaves haven't come out on the trees yet, it is still hard to find a singing bird on the branches.